Rothrock Trail Alliance
Your support of the Rothrock Trail Alliance will allow us to work alongside our partners to enhance the trail user experience in Rothrock State Forest for all user groups by improving and expanding upon existing multi-use trail systems, building sustainable trails using best practices, generating multiple forest entry points to reduce crowding, and creating trail connector systems for longer and/or loop trail experiences.
Thank you for your consideration!
Other Ways To Donate:
To donate by mail/check, please mail check to:
ClearWater Conservancy
Attn: Rothrock Trail Alliance
2555 North Atherton St.
State College, PA 16803
Gifts of appreciated securities are just one way to avoid the capital gains tax. Please have your broker contact us before transferring assets so we may properly catalog your donation.
Ask your HR person if your company participates in a gift-matching program. It's an easy way to double your impact!